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Playlister specialising in Neoclassical music and Jazzhop beats. Super active lists, getting up to 10k streams/month on the biggest one - don't miss out!


classical instrumental hiphop


Tom Merrall has 3 active playlists on Artistlib
lofi/jazzhop beats f... 2449 followers A collection of the freshest lofi beats and jazzhop swing to stimulate the mind for reading, creative writing, study, or just chilling out 🙂
Instrumental Music f... 1155 followers Full of the best background music to stimulate the mind when drawing portraits, painting nature, or designing your new, stylish kitchen. Submissions e...
Instrumental Music f... 9855 followers The perfect piano playlist for writing essays, drafting reports, or snuggling up with a cozy book. Featuring Nils Frahm, Elliott Jacqués, Tom Merrall...


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